Lupus is an autoimmune disease that attacks and weakens the body’s own healthy tissues just as Knapweeds keep away other plants by making them destroy itself.
Alzheimer’s and dandelion weeds both cluster and clump together, destroying the existing foundations.
Leukemia releases abnormal white blood cells to weed out the healthy and eventually harms the body ~ Sunflowers release toxins that deter other plants from growing near but can eventually harm their future seedlings.
It takes a lot of self care and love in treating Diabetes ~ Lantana flowers are self cleaning and healing flowers.
The Shingles virus lays dormant in the body until the immune system slowly deteriorates just like how Japanese knotweeds continue to grow underground until optimal weather occurs.
Multiple Sclerosis is a nervous system disease, resulting in problems in body control ~ The Devil’s Ivy, a house plant, easily grows out of control.
Coronary Artery Disease is the build up of plaque in your arteries over time due to an unhealthy lifestyle ~ Willow trees may look beautiful, often found in the garden of many homes, but have invasive roots that can destroy plumbing over time.
Growing Pains
“Growing Pains” visually contextualizes human illness and disease by utilizing plant biology and function in order to understand scientific information in an alternative method.