“The Hermit” – In search of adventure and excitement, the “otaku”/ “N.E.E.T” (not in education, employment, or training) secludes himself from society and the mundane by playing video games to the point of exhaustion.
“The Lovers” – In a time where communication has become easy and widespread thanks to social media, younger generations have found relationships in the matter of minutes. However, for many, their longing for lustful love can lead to toxicity, conflict, and disappointment.
“The Devil” – The addict, trapped in a short-term pleasure, has lost control of their life, admitting to powerlessness at the hands of their darker self. However, change is possible as they must learn to detach themselves from the negativities.
“The World” – Finally having achieved success in their student career, the graduate seeks to embrace their future. However, much growth is still needed as more trials and tribulations lie ahead.
“Temperance” – Seeking balance, calmness, tranquility, and peace, she sits meditating in her overly-luxurious spa. Unaware that true peace disconnects oneself from excess, and lives in moderation.
“Justice” – The marching of thousands take to the streets in rebellion against their oppressors, seeking truth. However, the destruction of their cities spurs more violence, leading to anarchy. These consequences are the result of a people unwilling to take responsibility.
Tarots Today
“Tarots Today” is a collective of tarot cards depicting the original major arcana in contrast to modern roles, showcasing the centuries-old traditional symbolism as unchanging in modern society.