Pursuit of progress routinely compromised the autonomy and wellbeing of patients. Human experimentation was necessary to develop surgeries, perfect medicine, and understand the body. To this day, trial-and-error is the backbone of modern medicine, and the burden of experimentation falls almost exclusively on those who have no choice; the sick, poor, or enslaved. This image is particularly inspired by the stories of Lucy, Anarcha, Betsey; enslaved women who, among others, were experimented on by Marion Sims. Anarcha alone was subjected to more than 30 surgeries in order to cure vesicovaginal fistulas without anaesthesia. The surgeries were eventually successful, sparing future generations of women pain and social isolation. Sims maintained that the women gave consent to the surgeries, but it is doubtful that they had genuine choice. Crop rotation has been practised around the world for centuries, long before the chemistry of soil could be observed and understood The biomedical model is a recent development out of thousands of years of medicine. It is inseparable from a larger history and organic origins.The Rod of Asclepius is a Greek symbol of healing and medicinal arts that is commonly used ‘Bosom Serpent’ myths are reports of amphibious creatures inhabiting bodies and wreaking havoc on their hosts’ digestive systems. Most of these stories originate in mediaeval and pre-medieval Europe. Although fantastic, they effectively describe the dangers of waterborne parasites and bacteria. Quarantine was first recorded as a health strategy in 14th century Italy to prevent the spread of the bubonic plague. St. John’s wort was used to deter demons in medieval Europe. The plant is known as an herbal remedy for depression. For many communities, hospitals are difficult to access. Home remedies mean an alternative is available when healthcare is delayed or unreachable. Close Materia Medica Materia Medica explores the history of healthcare. This snippet of history showcases the capacity of human learning and knowledge despite the lack of empirical structures we’ve come to rely on. Lucy Ruttan 2023 Louie Lam Madeline Yee