Eating swift birds’ nest for beauty and health destroys animal homes.
Some people keep exotic animals as pets to show off their wealth ignoring the truth that wild animals belong to the nature, but not their house.
Möbius band
The inhumane breeding process of Scottish fold ear cats.
People clip pet parrots’ wings to prevent them from escaping.
Polar bears in many zoos are kept in environment which is too warm for them.
People make their pets doing mukbang (eating show) videos to gain attention and likes on social media, without considering the health problem of their pets.
Whale Fall
Japan resumes commercial whaling after 30 years.
Weird Things We Do
“Weird Things We Do” is a series of editorial illustrations created to explore the ways that humans treat animals as property, which, when taken to logical extremes, shows how we objectify other living beings for our own selfish desires.