A lot of foods that are easily accessible now used to be so highly sought after and valuable, including foods such as pineapple, ramen noodles, and various seafoods among other things. The amount of water needed to produce a single beef burger is around 600 gallons, which doesn’t even count for how much water goes into the bread, veggies, etc. Produce that isn’t sold by their freshest period often gets repackaged into salads among other things, so the freshness of the ingredients advertised isn’t commonly true. Cheese is the most stolen food in the world, mainly due to the black market that consists solely of stolen cheese. 80% of aluminum in use today was recycled, with its main recycled uses being in vehicles, construction, devices, and electrical power. Baking used to be a way to use up what we would consider expired ingredients, such as sour milk and stale bread. Honey has long been used and revered for its medicinal properties, and was both consumed and applied onto skin across many civilizations. As well as being the most common food in the world, rice was also used as a material for construction specifically in Ancient China. To help aid the production of fattier, more frequently produced milk, cows are often fed the fat of other deceased cattle. Corn is the most produced crop in America, and a large portion of it is used in the car industry rather than in food. Close Self-Checkout “Self-Checkout” follows the history, production, and aftermath of common grocery store items, expanding on everyday commonalities we take for granted. Wafa Wasif ↗ ..... wafawasif.com @ ..... wafabwasif@outlook.com 2023 Vivian Wu Xin Gao